• Landlord / Tenant

    We help everybody, so we understand both perspectives.


    Whether you own and rent one (1) property or many, at some point you will have some issues with tenants. In our experience this will involve the non-payment of rent or return of security deposits after the tenancy ends.

    We can help you from start to finish with the process. You are a landlord for a reason, to make money from your investment. Being protected in the most economical way possible from the beginning is the best insurance you can buy.

    We have leases designed to protect you as a landlord in every situation possible. When your tenants fail to make the rent payment in a timely manner we have a complete eviction package, from three (3) day notice, complaint for possession and writ of possession. The package may be customized in numerous ways if you are already involved in the eviction process.

    When it comes to returning a security deposit after a tenancy has ended, we have guides and best practices checklists, along with responsive pleadings to tenants complaints.

    See how our system works below and what every account provides to make your life easier.


    There are many reasons why as a tenant you may not have paid your rent on time or at all. You may have good reasons for not paying in a timely manner, may have fallen on hard times or have some other reason. You have certain rights before your landlord can ask you to move or for a Court to Order you to vacate the property. We have guides to the process and depending on your situation responsive pleadings which can help you stay in your property.


    When you vacate your property at the end of your tenancy, you are entitled to your security deposit back if there are no damages to the property. Your landlord must follow certain procedures, within certain time periods, which is all governed by Florida Statutes. If you think you are owed your security deposit back, read how our system works below and what every account provides to make your life easier

  • Benefits of All Accounts

    How To Guides

    We have designed simple guides to explain the process.

    Summary of Applicable Statutes

    We have summarized the laws which apply in your case.

    Summary of Applicable Court Rules

    We have summarized the Court Rules which apply in your case.

    Dedicated Email Account

    A single place for all of your emails to receive all filings and updates in your case

    Registration with the FL ePortal system

    Full Setup of an account with the Florida Electronic Filing Portal to save you trips to the Courthouse

    Updates as Your Case Proceeds

    Reminders via email or mobile text of any pertinent court dates, filings in your case and directions to your hearings.

  • How It Works

    Add subtitle


    Provide Some Info

    Provide some basic information so we can learn about your needs.


    We review

    We review your info within 12 hours and respond via email.


    Choose your Service

    Our email will outline all of the services we believe can assist you in your legal filings,


    Pay For Your Service

    Once you have chosen your services, our store will allow you to make your one time payment.


    Fill Out Your Documents

    Our app will collect all of the details necessary, allow you to upload supporting documents and generate the documents needed.


    Documents Get Filed

    We will create your account & file your documents within four (4) hours of completion.


    Additional Tasks

    If you have added any extra services, we will complete your work order. 


    Next Steps

    You will receive our next steps outline so you know what to expect.

  • See If We Can Help

    Click the Button to Inquire