• Simple Chapter 7

    Whats Simple?

    Bankruptcy can be a useful tool to get a fresh start after running into financial difficulties. It can be a complicated process mostly in terms of the paperwork which needs to be filled out and filed with the Court. The most "simple" Chapter 7 filings are those in which the debtor is unmarried, owns no real estate, does not own an automobile and has more debt than assets. As each of the above mentioned things apply the case becomes more and more complicated. The best way to see whether your case is considered to be simple by us is to fill out the inquiry form below.

    Why Not Complicated

    We get asked a lot why we do not prepare more complicated Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 cases? The answer is pretty straightforward, it is not cost effective since we are limited by the Bankruptcy Court in what we can charge to prepare documents for you. A Chapter 7 or 13 petition which involves real estate, multiple automobiles, marital property can increase the number of pages which need to be produced. In addition since we only prepare documents and cannot provide legal advice, much of the Bankruptcy Code which would apply cannot be properly explained and applied in order to competently file a petition.

  • Benefits of All Accounts

    How To Guides

    We have designed simple guides to explain the process.

    Summary of the Bankruptcy Code

    We have summarized the Bankruptcy Code which applies.

    Summary of Bankruptcy Rules

    We have summarized the Court Rules which apply in your case.

    Dedicated Email Account

    A single place for all of your emails to receive all filings and updates in your case

    Updates as Your Case Proceeds

    Reminders via email or mobile text of any pertinent court dates, filings in your case and directions to your hearings.

  • How It Works

    Add subtitle


    Provide Some Info

    Provide some basic information so we can learn about your needs.


    We review

    We review your info within 12 hours and respond via email.


    Choose your Service

    Our email will outline all of the services we believe can assist you in your legal filings,


    Pay For Your Service

    Once you have chosen your services, our store will allow you to make your one time payment.


    Fill Out Your Documents

    Our app will collect all of the details necessary, allow you to upload supporting documents and generate the documents needed.


    Documents Get Filed

    We will email you all of your documents so you can file them with the Bankruptcy Court.


    Additional Tasks

    If you have added any extra services, we will complete your work order. 


    Next Steps

    You will receive our next steps outline so you know what to expect.

  • See If We Can Help

    Click the Button to Inquire